This project won the first prize in the "Certamen de Proyectos Libres" of the University of Granada, check it out here!


Good news! We already have our first release ever and if you want to give it a try click the button below.


Just tags

Thunderbit helps you manage big collections of related files through tags

What are you looking for?

Don't need to know the exact name or path, just some tags which describes it

Guess what...

Let Thunderbit speed up your search by guessing next tags based on the ones you already entered

Free Open Source Software

Thunderbit's source code is released under the free GNU Affero General Public License


Thunderbit runs on multiple paltforms, like GNU/Linux, Windows and Mac

Cloud ready

Thunderbit can store uploaded files in a S3 bucket as well as in the local filesystem


Thunderbit's UI adapts to different screens resolutions, from small mobiles to large desktops


Thunderbit supports Spanish and English languages

Thunderbit is under heavy development. We already have implemented some features and there are others to come. Check out what we are working on and what's next.

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